Does God Speak To Us in Dreams? What The Bible Says

The idea that God might communicate with us through dreams is one that has fascinated people for centuries.

Many people have reported having dreams in which they feel they have received messages or guidance from a higher power, and throughout history there have been numerous stories of people claiming to have received divine revelations through their dreams.

In this blog post, we will be exploring the topic of whether or not God speaks to us through dreams.

We will be looking at examples from the Bible of God communicating through dreams, sharing personal experiences of people who feel they have received messages from God in this way, and discussing the possibility of God speaking to us through dreams in modern times.

If you have ever wondered whether God might be using your dreams to communicate with you, this blog post is for you.

Examples from the Bible of God speaking to people through dreams

One of the most well-known examples of God communicating with someone through a dream can be found in the book of Daniel in the Bible (Daniel 2:27-28).

In this story, the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, has a dream that greatly disturbs him, and he calls upon his wise men and fortune-tellers to interpret the dream for him.

However, the wise men are unable to do so, and the king becomes angry and orders them all to be put to death.

Daniel, who is one of the wise men, asks for time to interpret the dream and prays to God for help.

God grants Daniel the ability to interpret the dream, and he is able to reveal to the king the meaning of the dream and its significance for the future.

In addition to this story, there are several other examples in the Bible of God communicating through dreams.

For example, in the book of Genesis (Genesis 37:5-11), we find the story of Joseph, who is given the ability to interpret dreams and use this gift to help others.

In the Old Testament, we also see examples of God using dreams to communicate with prophets such as Isaiah (Isaiah 29:7) and Ezekiel (Ezekiel 33:7-9).

It is important to note that in the cultural context of the Bible, dreams were often viewed as a means by which the divine could communicate with humans.

In many ancient societies, dreams were considered to be sacred and were often interpreted as divine messages or prophecies.

For this reason, it is not surprising that we see many examples in the Bible of God using dreams as a means of communication.

Personal experiences of God speaking through dreams

In addition to the examples we see in the Bible of God communicating through dreams, there are also many personal accounts of people who feel they have received messages from God in this way.

A few days ago, I heard the story of a friend of mine who had a powerful experience of God speaking to him through a dream.

My friend is a young man who was born in a Middle Eastern country where becoming a Christian can be very dangerous.

He first encountered Jesus through the testimony of Christian friends abroad and through reading the New Testament.

Then, one night, he claims to have seen Jesus in a dream.

This dream had a profound impact on him, and he made the decision to abandon everything, flee his country, and give his life to Jesus.

Stories like this demonstrate the powerful and transformative nature of God’s communication through dreams.

These experiences can provide comfort, guidance, and encouragement, and can help people to feel more connected to God and to their own sense of purpose and direction.

It’s important to note that people’s experiences with God’s communication through dreams can vary, and it’s not uncommon for people to have different interpretations of the messages they receive in their dreams.

Some people may feel that their dreams are very clear and straightforward, while others may feel that the messages they receive are more symbolic or allegorical.

Ultimately, the most important thing is not necessarily the specific mode of communication, but the message itself and the impact it has on an individual’s life.

Is it possible for God to communicate through dreams today?

While the Bible provides several examples of God communicating with people through dreams, such as in the stories of Daniel (Daniel 2:27-28) and Joseph (Genesis 37:5-11), it’s natural to wonder whether this is something that still happens today.

Is it possible for God to communicate with us through our dreams in modern times, or is this something that only happened in the past?

There are many different perspectives on this question, and it’s ultimately up to each individual to decide what they believe.

Some people feel that God continues to communicate with us through dreams and that these dreams can be a powerful means of receiving guidance, direction, and encouragement.

Ways for God to guide us to fulfill his purposes, as well.

Others might view dreams as simply a manifestation of our unconscious minds and not necessarily as a means of divine communication.

If you are someone who is interested in the possibility of God communicating with you through your dreams, it’s important to approach this topic with an open and receptive mind.

It can be helpful to keep a dream journal in which you write down your dreams and any messages or impressions you receive from them.

It’s also a good idea to consider seeking the guidance of a spiritual mentor or counselor who can help you interpret your dreams and understand their significance.

At the same time, it’s important to be mindful of the potential pitfalls of relying too heavily on dreams as a means of communication with God.

The Bible reminds us that God can speak to us through many different means (John 10:27), and it’s important to remain open to his guidance in all aspects of our lives.

It’s also important to be aware that our own unconscious minds can sometimes produce dreams that may not necessarily be divinely inspired (Jeremiah 23:25-32).

I believe that we cannot mystify dreams, and live in superstition thinking that all dreams come from God.

Thinking that every dream has some encrypted message from heaven for us.

My advice is that we be open to what God can do, without living in mysticism or getting into the esoteric.


In conclusion, the topic of whether or not God speaks to us through dreams is a complex and nuanced one, and there are many different perspectives on this question.

The Bible does provide examples of God communicating with people through dreams, such as in the stories of Daniel and Joseph, and these stories demonstrate the powerful and transformative nature of such experiences.

At the same time, it’s important to remember that God can speak to us through many different means, and that our own unconscious minds can sometimes produce dreams that may not necessarily be divinely inspired.

As you reflect on this topic, we encourage you to consider your own experiences and beliefs about God’s communication through dreams.

Have you ever had a dream that you felt was particularly significant or meaningful?

What role, if any, do dreams play in your own spiritual life?

We encourage you to keep an open mind and to be receptive to the ways in which God might be speaking to you, whether through dreams or through other means.

Ultimately, the most important thing is not the specific mode of communication, but the message itself and the impact it has on your life.

So, we hope that this blog post has been helpful and that it has encouraged you to think more deeply about the role of dreams in your own spiritual journey.

In case that you consider your dream to be a calling from God to do something specific, I recommend that you read our other article on How to know if you have a calling from God.

Another interesting read about today’s topic is the book: Hearing God Through Your Dreams: Understanding the Language God Speaks at Night, by Dr. Mark Virkler y Charity Virkler Kayembe.

What do you think? Do you believe that God communicates with us through dreams? What is your experience? Share in the comments.



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