Spiritual Arrogance: How to Stop Being Spiritually Arrogant

Sometimes it happens that some people reach the strange condition of believing themselves better, or feeling they are better than others because they are religious people.

How can we put aside that ordeal?

The experience of religious self-centeredness.

I would like to share with you a fragment from the Bible from which we can draw ideas about it:

“A little later, those who were there approached Peter and said, “Without a doubt, you are also one of them, because even your way of speaking betrays you.”   ‭‭

| Mateo‬ ‭26:73‬

In this text, people are identifying the apostle Peter as a follower of Jesus.

The reason they can determine this is his way of being.

Dear reader, when we walk with Jesus, something changes in us.

If we’ve really walked with Him, we don’t need to walk around bragging about how much you pray, read the Bible, testify, or love Jesus.


If we do this kind of thing, we may believe we walk with Him, when our heart is really far away, and He doesn’t walk with us.

The fact that we are having that behavior is in itself evidence that our spiritual condition is far from being as good as we think.

Understanding and accepting that will help us be more humble and more dependent on God.

When we are closer, we will see that the shreds of evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives speak for themselves.

And that people will say of us “you are one of them, because even your way of speaking betrays you”.

The gospel is about confessing Jesus’ love for us to all people, and that our entire lives declare our love for Him.

Our first concern should be to walk with him, to know him, to love him, to talk to him, to live in his presence every day.

If we do this, our actions will speak louder than our words and the whole world will know that we are theirs.

Just by watching us pass, they will know that we are His.

Have you lived the experience of feeling better than others because you are religious? What is the circumstance you are going through? Let us know in the comments.

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