How To Be A Good Christian: 7 Bible Tips

Many things are said about a Christian’s way of life.

Sometimes, I hear people emphasizing things like the way we dress, the places we may visit, the music we should listen to, the people we should not relate to, or the use of ornaments and hairstyles.

However, in my opinion, these issues remain on the surface, while more important things about a Christian’s way of life are forgotten.

Today, I would like to emphasize what I consider to be the key element of a Christian’s way of life.

To do so, I invite you to read a short bible passage:

Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Ephesians 5:1 – 2

In this part of the Bible, the apostle Paul is writing to the church of Ephesus several recommendations about how they should live as Christians.

He mentions several items related to avoiding sins and things that do not edify, but at the center of his speech is this short fragment.

The apostle stops to make a positive invitation to imitate God in his love for human beings.

A positive invitation to seek a way of life motivated by love, at the center of our Christian lifestyle.

Between differences of opinion, differences in doctrine, and differences in denominations, it is easy to see the black dot on the white surface, highlighting what is different and not to see what is most important.

As Christians, we have been called to live in love.

You can argue about different ideas, but there is no argument against love.

First, God wants us to imitate him through a way of life that testifies to the world his selflessness and his sacrifice for our sake.

Once we have been able to mature in this area, I think we can continue to delve deeper, but as long as we cannot love with the love of Christ, nothing else has real meaning.

That’s why I think love is the key element of a Christian’s way of life.

The true way of life of a Christian is one that seeks to serve others, seeks to help, seeks to keep peace with his fellow man.

A way of life that drives you to redeem rather than criticize or judge.

That drives you to share with those in need, that drives you to help cope with the burdens of the weary.

To defend the marginalized, to oppose injustice, and to fight battles of love.

Sometimes I think that perhaps we should for a moment turn our eyes away from what is secondary, and go back to what goes first, to what we have forgotten.


I hope these words are a blessing to your life.

And what do you think? What is a Christian’s true way of life? Share in the comments.

A hug, God bless you.

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