How to Be a Christian Influencer – Step by Step

With the growing popularity of social networks, we see how the influencer profession is growing more and more, to the point that we all probably know some famous Christian influencer.

There are even those of us who want to become one.

Social networks are very useful tools where we can express ourselves, make our perspectives known and influence as well.

This implies that we have within our reach the possibility of helping God in the process of bringing many people closer to Him and improving the quality of their lives.

That is the job of a Christian influencer.

To delve into the topic of how to be a Christian influencer, I would like to explain what it means to be an influencer today.

What is it to be an Influencer

An influencer is a person who has acquired enough knowledge of a topic and for that reason can influence, or persuade, other people through social networks, due to their credibility, experience and popularity.

Today, this vocation is associated with the number of followers that person has on social networks, and this is because, usually, people trust not only in testimonials, but also groups of people linked to that same channel or cause.

Popularity usually generates confidence, and this, more popularity.

This term and trade has become so popular that influencers have become celebrities of all kinds nowadays.

Their perseverance, messages and lifestyle led them to conquer the minds and hearts of people who agree with their philosophies and their testimonies.

People who believe in them or specifically in what they do and somehow what they sell.

Steps to be a Christian influencer

Now that we understand what it means to be an influencer, let’s get to the steps you need to take to become a Christian influencer.

For this, you must take into account, at least, the following points below:

#1 Analyze your motivations

Given the dangers that popularity and attention brings to the ego in the spiritual life, it is important that you analyze yourself before you begin in order to identify your true motivations.

I invite you to ask yourself the following question: do you do it because you really want to serve God and people, or do you do it with a purely selfish interest in search of fame, money, or just to satisfy personal desires?

Remember that God knows our hearts and intentions and He honors those who seek to honor Him.

Although God doesn’t mind our career aspirations, for this particular career, it’s important that you start with the right motivation, which is to help others to get closer to God and expand his kingdom; as long as you maintain that perspective and give priority to God from your heart, you will be on the right track!

If you discover that you have the wrong motivation, it is good to stop for a while to pray and ask God to help you mature and reorient your heart towards Him.

#2 Entrust your project to God

If you have discovered that your motivations are already correct and you want to continue, do not forget to start on the right side.

Being a Christian influencer, like any other ministry where we give public testimonials, requires a lot of prayer.

First of all, ask God to be your partner in this dream and entrust it to Him.

Remember that what is born on its knees is born to stand up.

#3 Choose the right topic or niche

The third step to become a Christian influencer is to find a topic or niche that aligns with your personality, gifts, knowledge, and interests.

Think of something you would do because you like it, even if no one ever saw your content.

“The most successful people are those who do what they love and manage to integrate their identity with their work.”

If you do not choose the right niche, this will not be something you will enjoy, but it will become a burden and sooner or later you will end up giving up.

In this way you will begin to produce valuable content in an easier way because you will enjoy it, since it aligns with your tastes and experiences and thus everything will flow as a vocation.

Some examples of the niches or topics that you can consider to be a Christian influencer can be:

Christian Humor Christian Art Personal Finance
Prayer ministry Christian music Evangelism
Sermons Christian Motivation Testimonials
Christian Dating Biblical Archeology Interviews
Christian Books Bible Prophecy Bible Reflections
Christian Children Theology Christian Apologetics

The options are as limitless as your imagination.

The most important thing about being a Christian influencer is that you are the Christian. If you don’t hide your faith, anything good, nice or perfect can be your field of influence.

#4 Choose the right social network

The fourth step to become a Christian Influencer is select your favorite social network or networks.

Each social network has its own personality, so to speak. This is due to its users and their functions.

Twitter is a social network where the main thing is to read and write. Users of this platform are generally encouraged to interact more actively by commenting and entering discussions.

On Instagram and Pinterest photos and images are used a lot, but also together with TikTok and Kwai they are focusing mostly on short videos of less than a minute.

Facebook and YouTube, for their part, use longer format videos, in which the title of the video and the cover image of the video are essential for users to see them.

There are also others like Reditt, Tumbler, Clubhouse, focused on audio and there are also Podcasts and blogs.

Each social network also has its strategies so that your publications reach more people.

This must be studied individually depending on which network you choose, which will help you align the type of content you want to publish with the right platform.

#5 Have basic equipment on hand

The fifth step to become a Christian influencer is to have the equipment that you are going to use.

At a minimum you will need a cell phone with which you can take photos and videos with decent quality.

But depending on what you are going to do, you may need everything, from a computer to microphones, lights, tripods, reflectors and cameras.

Needless to say, internet connection is essential.

Do not be discouraged if you feel that you do not have everything you need, use what you have in your hands and God will do the rest.

#6 Create relevant content

The sixth step to become a Christian influencer is to create useful, interesting and entertaining content.

Your content can be text, images, videos, even videos or photos where you don’t appear.

Not always everything you have to say will interest people.

This is something we have to learn to live with, but focus on communicating what you feel your audience needs, while still expressing your interests.

The important thing is that people feel that your content adds value to their lives.

This attracts more users, generates interactions and thus you will grow organically over time.

#7 Post content constantly

The seventh step to become a Christian influencer is to post content frequently.

If you plan to publish content every three months, maybe your project may not prosper due to lack of perseverance.

Social media algorithms are designed to prefer fresh content, so you will have to provide it with some regularity.

This also depends on the social network, in some it has to be every day or even several times a day, in others it can be once a day or once a week.

The important thing is that you do not disappear from the memory of your followers. This will keep them interested and motivated, and you will have more opportunities to publicize your work.

#8 Use digital tools

To be productive and effective as a Christian influencer you are going to have to use all kinds of software tools.

Some may be to publish automatically through previous programming such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Facebook Business, in this way you will save time while planning your work better.

You will also need tools to analyze the interaction of users with your publications, such as Socialblade or the same Analytical tools of Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram.

Apps like Preview, where you can preview your posts from your Instagram gallery before officially uploading them to your account.

Some image and video creation apps such as: Canva, PicCollage, VivaVideo, CapCut, Lumen5, among others to your liking.

Some websites or apps are also useful for downloading copyright-free images and videos for personal or commercial use, such as Pixabay, Unsplash and Pexels.

You may also need pages where you can download music and sound effects.

#9 Make your content known

The last step to become a Christian influencer is to make sure that you get the word out about your project and your posts to as many people as possible.

Starting with all your friends and family.

Depending on the social network, do not forget to use hashtags, or put a location, tag people you think may be interested.

You can also send your posts to your WhatsApp or email contacts, share them in Facebook groups or internet forums.

You can also ask influencers you admire to lend a hand or share your content, or team up with other new influencers to help each other out.

All this will make you gain visibility over time and your audience will grow organically.

Tips to be a good Christian influencer

After having seen the basic steps to become a Christian influencer, I would like to share with you some equally important tips so that you not only be an influencer, but also honor God by being a good one.

#1 Make sure you have good theology

My first piece of advice for being a good Christian influencer, is to not just focus on sharing your opinions and ideas, but to have biblical foundations for the things you say.

The bible says: “do not become teachers many, because you will receive greater condemnation”.

The topics and information you decide to share must be based on biblical principles of sound doctrine.

You must have adequate knowledge to be able to expose and promote them, but above all, they must have the integrity of the person who exhibits them.

If you want to be a good Christian influencer, it is essential to genuinely understand the word of God so that you can naturally explain the gospel and serve God properly.

#2 Talk about what God has done in your life

My second advice to be a good Christian influencer is that you do not stop sharing with your followers the goodness of God with you.

You can use testimonies and anecdotes where you have seen the power of God reflected in your life; this builds credibility and empathy while giving you the opportunity to connect more intimately with your followers.

You will end up generating trust, and even loyalty, because they can feel identified and understood.

#3 Keep your project in prayer

My third advice to be a good Christian influencer is, of course, to never stop praying for your project.

Ask God for wisdom, understanding, word in you and discernment to be able to effectively communicate his great message of salvation in our day to day.

It is very important to entrust your plans to God and this is no exception, remember the responsibility that comes with making known the most beautiful truth of all, Jesus.

#4 Be wise when communicating

My fourth piece of advice to be a good Christian influencer is to always ask God for wisdom to carefully choose the words and ideas you communicate on your social networks.

Don’t let the passions of youth blind you into promoting things you’ll later regret.

Words, like many actions and resources, can be used for good or for evil; they can equally build or destroy, either ourselves or influence other people, so take care of your words with wisdom, tact and prudence.

With your words and actions you can turn a person away from God or embrace false doctrines and ideas.

#5 Take care of your testimony

My fifth advice to be a good Christian influencer is that your greatest influence is your good example, so you must sincerely take care of your conduct.

When we as Christians give bad testimony, we have the power to negatively influence the perception that others have, not only of us, but of the Christian population and even of God.

There are people who are disappointed in their faith because of the bad attitudes of those who call themselves Christians, believers or followers of Christ.

We look like hypocrites or false prophets, and we make God look bad.

We have to be good examples to help others to believe the most important truth of all, to be at peace with God and the Holy Spirit, to be upright and to act well as God wants.

#6 It is not your responsibility to change anyone

My sixth advice to be a good Christian influencer is that you do not carry the responsibility for the salvation of those who follow you.

You are not here to change the world, you are here to point people towards the savior of the world.

You can advise and guide people; however, your success is defined by your faithfulness to God and his word, not by your ministry accomplishments.

Also, do not try to impose your ideas on others or publicly criticize them, even if they are influencers, pastors or famous Christians.

It is not our responsibility to change anyone or decide for them.

At the end of the day we will always be individuals and we are mainly responsible for ourselves.

#7 Love your followers genuinely

My seventh tip for being a good Christian influencer is to ask God to help you genuinely love your followers.

Don’t get to see them just as a number or one more rung on your ladder of success.

May it help you see them beyond and pray for them.

Help you to adopt love without pretense as a fundamental part of your personality.

And above all, have among yourselves fervent love; because love will cover a multitude of sins.


| 1 Peter 4:8

Love is nothing more than treating people well, with respect, patience, kindness, solidarity and tolerance with all the possible forms of communication, even when they criticize you and give you ugly comments.

#8 Love and respect God

My eighth advice to be a good Christian influencer, and perhaps the most fundamental, is that you ask God to help you love and honor him always in total dedication.

If you love me, keep my commandments.


He who has my commandments, and he keeps them, he it is who loves me; and whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.


| John 14:15; 21

Loving God also means respecting his will, which is good and wise. This also means obeying his commandments without making changes for convenience or being selective or only complying with what is convenient for us.

Furthermore, his commandments are not grievous as his word says in 1 John 5:3.

#9 Take care that fame does not go to your head

My nineth and last tip to be a good Christian influencer is to keep your spirit from pride and ego that popularity and attention on the networks can bring you.

Maintain good spiritual, mental and emotional health, and build instead of destroying, bring peace and live in peace in your relationship with God, letting Him be your motivation, your priority and never your pride.

When we live in love we influence in the best way that can be influenced, with a healthy attitude towards others, with oneself and with God.

Remember that God is the one who sees everything and to whom we owe ourselves.

Ask God to help you do everything from a position of humility and love, because love is not arrogant or self-centered.

Verses on how to be a Christian Influencer

I will attach some verses that confirm how to be a Christian Influencer.

Live in integrity

The righteous are guided by their integrity; the false are destroyed by their hypocrisy.


| Proverbs 11:3

Love others, love good, and hate evil

Do not pretend to love others; really love them.


Hate the bad.


Hold on to the good.


Love one another with genuine affection and delight in honoring one another.


| Romans 12:9-10

Seek the wisdom to communicate

The hypocrite with his mouth harms his neighbor; but the righteous are delivered with wisdom.


| Proverbs 11:9

Loving God is loving others

We cannot say that we love God if we do not love our brothers.


| 1 John 2:9

Don’t fake love for your followers

Love must be without pretense.


| Romans 12:9

Beware of promoting lies or lying

Lying lips are abominable to Jehovah, but those who act truthfully please him.


| Proverbs 12:22


So, here you have the tangible and intangible tools necessary to develop yourself as a Christian influencer and to do so, in my opinion, successfully, because God, truth, love and knowledge will be pillars in your way of communicating.

In addition to that you will use creation and editing applications that will complement your messages for publication.

I hope that this is the beginning of a beautiful path that allows you to touch many lives and bring them closer to our Creator, because this is also his will for us.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit;


teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Amen.


| Matthew 18:19-20

What do you think about how to be a Christian Influencer? What is your experience? Share in the comments.

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