Where To Find God: Bible Tips For Finding God In Your Life

I’m so glad you want to find God.

Finding God is the best thing that can happen to you in life.

I would like to take this opportunity to share a short reflection with you on how to do it.

To do this, I invite you to read this little verse from the Bible:

My heart says of you, “Seek his face!” Your face, Lord, I will seek.

| Salmo‬ ‭27:8‬

I’d like to ask a couple of questions.

How many times has the Holy Spirit put in your heart the desire to seek the Lord?

How many times in any place or circumstance has the Lord told you to seek him?

How many times has his tender voice told you one night, tomorrow he would like to talk to you?

How many times has his hand touched your cheek and woke up in the early morning and told you, “look for me, here I am”?

How many times, perhaps, have you ignored him and turned your back on him?

How many times, perhaps, have you resisted hearing his voice?

Dear reader, finding God is not as difficult as you might think, because he has already been looking for you.

Just be attentive to his calling voice.

He who loves us with such a love that we cannot comprehend or describe, but that burns our hearts with emotion, and makes our reason filled with humility before his glory.

He who by that love humbled himself in an absolute way to save us.

The one who even when we did not want to receive him prepared everything to call us.

He who has not tired of touching our heart of stone time after time all our lives.

Today he calls us once again.

“Look for me.

Look for me while I can be found.

Today could be the last chance, this could be the last chance.

Find me.

Before with pain in my heart because of your rebellion, I have to see you destroy your life for eternity.”

Dear friend, God is not found, He finds us.

The key is not to resist.

Your sinful nature will want to extinguish the voice of the Holy Spirit, but you submit your flesh and come to the call.

Come to meet God every time He calls you.

What do you think about finding God? Do you think God has been looking for you? What is the circumstance you are going through? Let us know in the comments.

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