How To Get Closer To God Spiritually

Having God in your life is achieving the fullness of your human experience.

God created us to interact intimately with Him.

Therefore, it is not uncommon for us to yearn, consent, or unconsciously, to have God in our lives.

In this blog post, I set out to help you understand how to have God in your life.

To do so, I invite you to read with me a short bible text:

Therefore, (…) remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.

Ephesians 2:11 – 13

In this text, the apostle Paul is speaking to the church of Ephesus, telling them that before they met Jesus, they had lived all their lives without God.

They had lived a life in which they did not know the true way to reach God, and therefore could not have access to Him.

The life they lived before had them plunged into addictions and sins.

They lived perniciously in idolatry and error.

Without hope and without God.

Their situation was not entirely different from that of many of us today.

Perhaps It may even look like yours and what was once mine.

The truth is that when we don’t have God in our lives, we don’t have the strength to overcome our own weaknesses or to make amends for our mistakes.

When we don’t have God in our lives, we seek to fill that void with things that harm us.

But the apostle speaks to us of good news, God has brought us closer to Himself through Christ.

He has opened a path.

That way to God is Jesus.

Jesus is the means by which we can have God in our lives.

To have God in our life, we need to recognize our need for Him and accept the gift of salvation that God offers us.

Accepting that gift means putting our faith in Jesus as our only way of salvation.

Something like the only life jacket in the middle of a shipwreck.

Jesus is the only one who can help us get to God because He gave his life on the cross, paying our debt of sin so that we could be reconciled to heaven.

When we have done this, God will continue to draw us closer to Himself.

He will continue to help us understand that He loves us infinitely, healing the wounds of our past, and showing us the best way to live with Him.

Far from error, far from sin, and increasingly more Christlike.

Thus fulfilling the purpose of our existence and restoring our hope.

I hope these words have been a blessing to your life.

And what do you think? Do you want to have God in your life? Share in the comments.

A hug, God bless you.

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