Being Obedient To God: Bible Meaning, Importance & Benefits

being obedient to God

As Christians, Being Obedient To God is of great importance. But what does it mean to be obedient to God? Simply put, obedience to God means following His commands, living according to His will, and walking in His ways. This includes obeying the teachings of the Bible, seeking His guidance in prayer, and living a … Read more

What Does the Bible Say About Legalism: Understanding the Dangers of a Rules-Based Faith

Legalism vs grace

In this blog post, we will be exploring the topic of legalism in Christianity. Legalism refers to the tendency to prioritize rules and regulations above other important aspects of spiritual life. It can involve an overemphasis on outward appearances and behaviors, rather than the inward transformation that occurs through a relationship with Jesus. It is … Read more

Becoming like Christ: How to imitate Christ Bible study

Cómo podemos imitar a Jesús en nuestra vida cotidiana

Today, after checking my email, I came across a message from one of the blog’s readers. The person asked me the following question: How can we imitate Jesus if we don’t see Him? I liked your question because it is a genuine, real, basic and in many cases unattended question. Based on the response I … Read more

Praying For Others: A Guide On Intercessory Prayer In The Bible

Cómo orar por los demás según la biblia

Praying for others is a very important part of the Christian life. Intercessory prayer blesses us in very special ways. Practicing it enriches our spiritual life and brings us closer to the heart of God and those around us. Today, I would like to contribute to your walk with God by talking a little about … Read more

What does the Bible say about entertainment? 3 Principles

What does the Bible say about entertainment

Today, good Christian entertainment evolve different opinions and views. The entertainment options we have today are multiple and diverse. Should a Christian participate in all of them? Clearly, in biblical times, there were not exactly the same options that we have today to spend our free time. Even so, the Bible presents a great deal … Read more