Freedom In The Bible: What True Freedom Is In Christ

The word freedom represents something that all of us long for, and that we appreciate infinitely.

However, it is normal that during our lifetime, we acquire ideas about what freedom is.

In my opinion, it is possible that those ideas possibly do not correspond to the best possible reality, and prevent us from enjoying real and lasting freedom.

Today, I would like to share with you what the Bible says about true freedom.

To do so, I will use a small Bible text and a brief reflection.

For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave.

You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings.

| 1 Corintians‬ ‭7:22-23‬

Dear reader: Jesus paid the price for your freedom,

Thanks to this, you no longer have to be a slave to the evil that desires to destroy your life.

Without God’s help, there was no way to escape, there was no way out, there was nowhere to go.

We had our hands, feet, and neck tied with shackles.

But God set us free, we no longer have to live in confusion or disarray as we lived before.

Nor do we need to live an unhappy life, if we have not accepted Jesus.

Your debt is paid.

You are free!

True freedom is found by living in God’s will at the shadow of the cross.

Being truly free means that God wants to untie the bonds of evil that imprison our lives.

It means that God wants to protect us, guide us, embrace us.

It is in God’s love that we experience true freedom.

If you just take his hand, which is outstretched soon to your rescue.

If only you analyzed for a moment and concluded: I’ve tried everything.

I’ve tried everything and still feel like a slave.

Perhaps you’ve tried everything, although maybe you haven’t tried with Jesus.

Today, I would like to invite you to consider that it is time to give him a chance, it is the only thing He needs to change your life.

It’s all he needs to heal your heart, to restore your marriage, to get you out of depression, or to set you free from your addictions.

He’s all you need to get rid of that emotional dependence that has you tormented.

To take those suicidal ideas out of your mind.

To restore your worth and to give your existence a real purpose.

In this universe, there is only one Lord and his name is Jesus Christ, to him we owe ourselves entirely.

Being his slaves, we become truly free.

He bought you with his own life and suffering.

Be free!

Be free in the mighty name of Jesus!

What do you think? Would you like to learn to follow Jesus and be truly free? What is your experience? Share in the comments.

Blessings and a hug.

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