Nowadays, many Christians and non-Christians ask themselves the question of how to Know God More Deeply.
Yet, there seems to be a lot of confusion about this important topic, especially in the idea of who God really is.
The idea we have of God’s character, and how we can relate to Him, is one of the most fundamental paradigms of our lives.
Much depends on it.
Our relationships with others, our quality of life, and even our salvation.
This is why it is critical to come to know God personally for whom He really is.
Verses about how to know God more deeply
Today, I’d like to share with you what I think is a biblical idea of how to know God.
To do so, I invite you to read a short text from scripture.
do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
Ephesians 1:17 -19
This fragment is part of the letter written by the apostle Paul to the church of Ephesus.
In it, the apostle is telling them to pray that God will grant them the wisdom necessary to know Him.
He prays that the eyes of their heart may be enlightened so that they may understand.
Let’s dive into this passage and get some insightful ways to know God more deeply.
#1 Ask him to help you to know him
Dear reader, the first step to knowing God is asking Him for help.
I advise that you pray that the blindfolds that do not allow you to see clearly the reality of His being will be removed.
No matter how hard we try, without God’s help, without His Holy Spirit, we cannot know God for whom He really is.
The revelation of God’s character is presented to humanity through His word, through nature, through His son, and through His Spirit.
However, these revelations are not always interpreted correctly. But we can do it with His loving help.
#2 Get rid of your prejudices
Many things are said about God in different contexts and different cultures.
Those ideas have permeated us from childhood to the present day and can be an obstacle when trying to know Him.
Often, before we meet a person, our brain tries to create an idea of what they are like.
When getting to know that person up close, we are already tainted by our previous ideas, and this makes it difficult for us to see reality.
It is our own paradigms or prejudices that prevent us from understanding the obvious.
It is the same that happens to us with God.
God has revealed himself as a loving father who loves us infinitely, willing to help us draw closer to Him, willing to heal the wounds that sin has caused us, willing to give us new opportunities.
But it is not until the Holy Spirit helps us free ourselves from misconceptions such as that God is angry or intolerant, intimidating or arbitrary, that we can give ourselves the opportunity to know Him for whom He really is.
#3 Enjoy the journey
Sometimes, there is this thing that happens to us when we get to meet a new person, there is a certain excitement to discover their way of being and thinking.
Especially if we can connect with them in a meaningful way.
The same can happen in your personal relationship with God.
In my daily experience, knowing God intimately by studying His word, through the influence of his Spirit, is one of the things I have enjoyed the most in walking with God.
Letting Him reveal Himself beyond my previous paradigms.
God is willing to surprise you with His love.
Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy Him.
Knowing God is a delight.
It is our privilege.
When it comes to knowing God more deeply, it narrows down to having your own journey with Him.
I believe He is leading you to himself, yet be careful to follow a path that passes through Jesus Christ and enlightened by God’s word.
A good read to get more insight into this topic could be the book Knowing God by J.I Packer.
Also, don’t forget to read our complementary blog post on How to Get a Close Relationship with God.
Today, It is my longing that you can experience that wonderful journey.
Ask him to help you know him, to give you a “Spirit of wisdom and revelation, to know him better.”
Ask him to “enlighten the eyes of your heart.”
I hope these words have been a blessing to your life.
And what do you think? Do you want to know God more deeply? Share in the comments.