Humility In The Bible: Godly Ways To Be Truly Humble

If you struggle with the habit of lacking humility as I have, you’ll know how hard it is to fight it.

Despite this, I would like to share with you the only way that has given real results in my life to combat the lack of humility.

Combat the desire to capture and want to keep people’s attention on you.

It is one of the best-kept secrets of hell.

Hundreds of people would pay me millions of dollars to share this with them, but I will do it for free for your blessing and the glory of the Lord in your life.

There is in the gospels a character who, apart from Jesus, In my opinion fully represents in his own flesh the real meaning of the word humility.

And I say real because I would also like us to review together what you think it means to be humble.

Let us compare what you think to the word of God.

I am speaking about John the Baptist.

A prophet and preacher whose ministry was a resounding success among the Jews.

The mission of his life was to announce the coming of Christ to earth.

When Jesus had begun his ministry, he once met John the Baptist, who publicly recognized him as the son of God.

After this, Jesus’ ministry begins to become more and more recognized and quickly grows much more than John’s.

John’s disciples, seeing that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, went to talk to their teacher about it.

I invite you to read John’s response and one of his most profound speeches that demonstrate the humility of his character.

They came to John and said to him, “Rabbi, that man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan—the one you testified about—look, he is baptizing, and everyone is going to him.”

To this John replied, “A person can receive only what is given them from heaven.

You yourselves can testify that I said, ‘I am not the Messiah but am sent ahead of him.’

The bride belongs to the bridegroom.

The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice.

That joy is mine, and it is now complete.

He must become greater; I must become less.”

| John 3: 26 – 30

John knew several things that you and I need to understand.

Give the glory to God

The first is that

(…) No one can receive anything unless God grants it to them (…)

In a competitive, superficial, materialistic world like ours, human beings tend to want to find validation in the achievements we achieve or possessions we acquire.

This is why we like to think that we receive them because we are strong, intelligent, capable, persevering, hardworking, wise, good managers, efficient.

This, in order to feel that we are good for something, that we are relevant.

The world has conditioned us since childhood to think that everything we achieve happens on our own merits.

For our efforts and capabilities.

But one reality that will keep you in perspective and be truly humble all your life is to recognize that all you achieve, or receive, are signs of God’s grace, mercy, and love for you.

They are gifts from the Lord because he loves to glory in your life.

The first lesson John leaves us in his speech is that we must recognize God in all our ways and thank him because it is his providence and his grace; not our own strength, the one that gives us everything we receive.

You are not the protagonist of your life

The second thing that John teaches us throughout his life and evidences it in his speech is that:

(…) “I am not the Christ, but I have been sent before him.”

All your life, you have been told that you must shine with your own light.

That you must be relevant, influential, admired, and respected.

That’s what you’ve lived for and fought so much for. And I really understand you.

I would like to remove the blindfold from your eyes and help you see beyond.

The reality is that all of that is secondary.

Look at the famous artists, how many of them live in despair and existential emptiness.

Look at the rich people, many of them live frustrated and stressed.

Many of the artists and wealthy people commit suicide.


The reality is that human beings find no real satisfaction in self-gratification.

Human beings find no purpose in living for themselves alone.

For the benefit of themselves.

Human beings find satisfaction, joy, peace, and purpose in the glory of God.

Because to reflect it and live in it is that we exist.

The purpose of your life is not to be important, rich, famous, recognized, applauded, or anything like that.

Your purpose is to live for the glory of God and in the glory of God.

This is why it is important that you understand something that John was very clear about.

That something is that he was not the protagonist of his own life.

One’s place in John’s life was secondary to him.

John was second.

The protagonist of his life was Jesus.

John recognized that he was not The Christ and that he (John) existed and lived solely for the purpose of proclaiming Jesus.

How beautiful that is.

How beautiful to live a life like that.

The reason you can’t be humble is that you live for yourself.

I remember how far-fetched these words would sound to me some time ago, but they make total sense now.

I know that you want to be the protagonist of your life, I know that you want to enjoy your life to the fullest, to live a life that is about you, with which you feel fully satisfied and proud.

But the reality is that none of that makes true sense.

The only thing that makes real sense in life and that will give purpose and passion to your life is the glory of God reflected to the world through you.

Live for God.

Try it, set yourself aside, and make Jesus shine in your life instead of you.

You will never be the same again, you will never long to return to where you are.

May your actions, purposes, goals, dreams, plans go beyond yourself.

May it all revolve around glorifying God and serving Him.

Accept anonymity

The third thing John teaches us throughout his life and his speech is that:

The bride belongs to the bridegroom.

The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice.

That joy is mine, and it is now complete.

Look, don’t make the mistake of wanting to be the bridegroom anymore.

It’s never going to work.

You’re not.

Don’t be offended, don’t feel bad if people don’t congratulate you, recognize your efforts, or appreciate your sacrifices.

That’s not really relevant.

What really matters is that people thank and recognize the bridegroom.

That people may see Jesus in your life.

If people speak good or bad of you for loving, serving, honoring, working, and living for Jesus, that is not important.

The important thing is that the glory goes by Jesus.

For you, anonymity is fine.

At a wedding, the friend of the bridegroom is not that important.

If the friend of the groom does not go to the wedding, the wedding remains the same.

The bridegroom is the important one.

And the groom’s friend is there because it’s the groom’s special day, and he rejoices in the groom’s joy.

Rejoice when the glory goes by God, even if you have to face anonymity or opprobrium.

Don’t be offended or afflicted when you are not recognized.

That’s pride.

Praise God’s name and continue to work quietly for the glory of the Lord.

Point people to God, not to yourself

The fourth thing That John teaches us in his life and speech is that:

He must become greater; I must become less.

It’s not easy, I know.

It is not the rule by which humanity is governed today, it is the opposite.

I admit that.

But it’s necessary, it’s important, it’s real.

Our society has become highly narcissistic.

Social media has fostered an unpleasant culture of people struggling to get the attention of others, expose themselves, and gain validation and recognition.

I know it’s going to be hard to accept or digest what I’m going to say, but…

If you don’t think so, check your friends’ posts on their WhatsApp statuses or check their photos on Instagram.

Everyone wants to show themselves and show how happy and perfect their lives are, deep down, for others to validate them with their attention.

However, you can attest for yourself that the experience this leaves behind is a hollow and empty experience.

My recommendation, based on John’s words, is that you diminish in your life and allow Jesus to grow.

If you want to be really humble, take the spotlight away from your life.

Put the focus on Jesus.

But be careful, this is about people seeing Jesus in your character and in your work for him and your priorities.

It’s not about others seeing it because you’re trying to show everyone how great a Christian you are and how hard you work for the Lord.

The reality is that the less attention you attract to you, the better.

Silently, let people see Jesus, not you.

Decrease and let Jesus grow in you.


I conclude by telling you that the real meaning of humility is not really that you are a shy and quiet person, a submissive and fragile person.

No, the real meaning of humility is to die to self and live to give glory and recognition to God with your whole life.

I know that this post is not going to be the most popular on this blog and that many people will have a lot to discuss.

I invite you in the love of the Lord to express your opinions with respect and to share for uplifting comments to grow together.

Blessings and a hug.

3 thoughts on “Humility In The Bible: Godly Ways To Be Truly Humble”

  1. more grace,because these deep things you shared were inspirational and i hope without the aim of making money out of it ,needs to be publish for the world to see and learn the mysteries of humility,thanks for sharing


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