5 Most Effective Christian Courtdating Tips

Today we want to share some tips for successful Christian courtships, we want to share 5 tips that will help you improve your relationships.

We continue to talk about these issues that help improve our relationship with God and with our partners.

Before starting with the councils, I also want to answer the following question: when should Christian courtship begin?

When we have the answer to that question we can continue with today's advice.

When to start a Christian courtship

It must be clear that to start a courtship as children of God, it is best to be clear about the function of the word boyfriends.

Courtships are that stage of preparation for marriage, it is that stage where you know some behaviors, personalities and attitudes of the person who attracts attention.

Therefore, the most recommended is to start a courtship, when you mature mentally is big enough to lead a relationship with the least number of mistakes, it is recommended that it be between an age of 21 -23 years.

Your spiritual life must also be mature enough to be able to make the best decision made by the hand of God. Courtship is a very nice stage.

But the decisions you make can make your courtship and your life a very beautiful stage or a nightmare, that is why today we are going to share 5 tips for Christian courtships.

5 tips for Christian courtships

#1 Putting God First

This is the basis of any Christian relationship, and it has to be the basis of your relationship as well, may God be first before your partner, if you want your courtship to be a blessing. God must be the center of your relationship.

We cannot take away that place in our lives, this is one of the most important Christian dating tips, because if God is first in your heart, all the decisions you make are going to be right.

The Bible reminds us of the importance of putting God first:

"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Matthew 6:33

#2 Talking and planning dreams

A courtship that does not have goals and dreams, does not know where they want to go, they are not looking further together, let's not forget that courtships are the first step to a marriage.

Therefore, they must plan what do they want to look like in 10 years? Somehow planning trips and dreams, that will allow your courtship and your future marriage, in addition to being full of love, to have goals to fulfill together.

But what does the Bible tell us about this:

"Better are two than one; because they have better pay for their work."

Ecclesiastes 4:9

 Being able to see the fruit of the work that as a team is achieved, is one of the most beautiful parts of a relationship, that is why always as a couple they must have a clear goal to reach, this is our second advice for Christian courtships.

#3 Support yourself in difficult times

Both in life and on the path of Christianity. You can go through moments of difficulty, you as a couple must make your boyfriend or girlfriend feel that he is not alone.

When your partner falls and it seems that his faith is extinguished, you must be there to support him, do not judge him, because the Christian life is not every day with the best attitude.

The Bible gives us a beautiful message that I want to share with you today:

"For if they fall, the one shall lift up his companion; But woe betide the solo! That when it falls, there will be no second to lift it."

Ecclesiastes 4:10

 Support is fundamental in a relationship, you can not neglect the importance of this point, you have to be that partner you would like them to be with you, and do it with so much love without expecting anything in return.

#4 Study God's Word Together

One of the most important tips for Christian courtships is to study the Bible together, as a couple you should organize for together, to be able to study and have an approach to our God.

It is not recommended to force your partner to perform your personal worship routine, the plan is that together you can find a schedule to make it a pleasant time, in addition to that as a couple you will grow spiritually. It will also help them bond as boyfriends.

The Bible is full of invitations to study His word, but I want to share with you this beautiful biblical text:

"God's way is perfect; the word of the Lord, acrisolated ; God is the shield of those who trust in him."

2 Samuel 22:31

#5 Share time with others

Keep your groups of friends, continue to participate in different activities, do not allow your relationship to make you be away from others and lock yourself as a couple.

I know that many times the comments of people criticizing your relationship, can lead you to the point, of walking away to feel safe. But as a couple they must learn to live with criticism, both in courtship and marriage.

To be able to manage emotions and have a safe and reliable circle of friendship.

Nowadays, it is very common to have a closed relationship with few friends, but as human beings we are sociable beings and that is why it is important to maintain our friendships.


These are the 5 tips for Christian courtships that we share with you today, we must not forget the importance of courtship, fulfill its function, know and grow, to face the next stage that is marriage.

Do not let go of God's hand either individually or as a couple, dream and have full confidence in your partner, that if it is God's will you will be together and in victory.

Today I want to share this beautiful book that will give you many more tips for your relationship. This book is called Christian Courtship Tips: Biblical Principles for Purposeful Courtship by Jorge Lozano.

And we have a super interesting article that will help you find an unhealthy Christian relationship + Tips to improve.


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